Individuals and Societies
Geography and World History
Building on the social studies skills developed in the elementary grades, students in middle school begin with a study of people, cultures, and ideas in the Western Hemisphere. Then they move from there to explorations of the Eastern Hemisphere, ending with early history of the United States.
In Sixth Grade World Geography, students investigate historical events, examine geographic features and resources, consider economic processes, and understand types of governments and civic responsibility, with a focus on the nations and regions in the Western Hemisphere.
In Seventh Grade World Geography, students investigate historical events, examine geographic features and resources, consider economic processes, and understand types of governments and civic responsibility, with a focus on the nations and regions in the Eastern Hemisphere.
In Eighth Grade US History, students analyze the foundations of our nation and experience the birth of our nation through multiple perspectives and inquiry, building on the valuable social studies skills developed in sixth and seventh grades, in order to practice civil discourse and become active, future-ready citizens of our nation.