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Transportation Services provides safe and efficient transportation to 12,000 students every day in Poudre School District!

PSD provides round-trip transportation for students based on the distance between their home and neighborhood schools. Students who are not eligible under the distance criteria, or who have transportation needs not met by pre-assigned routes, may be eligible to ride the bus as part of their educational program, or by application.  Please remember there is a limit of 5 bus passes per academic year.  If additional passes are required, please complete the bus application (links below).

Useful links:

Students should arrive on campus no earlier than 7:30am. We ask that parents help us to maintain a safe campus by dropping their students off after 7:30 AM. Students are asked to wait in either the small gym, Media Center, or Cafeteria until the bell that dismisses them to their lockers rings at 7:58 AM. All Middle Schools in PSD are closed campus, which means that once a student arrives at CLPMS they may not leave the campus. CLP Elementary is not a part of our campus. 

When dropping a student off or picking them up, please follow the painted One-Way signs. 

When picking up your student after school, please remain parked in the north parking lot. 

All students must leave the campus by 2:55 PM unless involved in a CLP Middle School sponsored event. If you are not able to pick your students up by this time, please make arrangements for them to be someplace else. If your student must remain longer than 2:55 PM they must be either at Pirate Tutorial or working with a teacher. For student safety the front doors are locked after 3:30 PM and there is not access to a phone.

To idle or not to idle?

Poudre School District has a district-wide ‘no idling’ policy for all district vehicles including buses during drop off and pick up times. Please do your part and help protect our children and environment by turning off your car engine when dropping off and picking your children up from school.

According to the American Lung Association, high concentrations of carbon monoxide occur in areas with heavy traffic congestion, such as school drop off and pick up. Carbon monoxide pollution can be especially harmful to children.

Please turn off your car engine; it’s good for the air our children breathe, it’s good for the environment and it helps save you money at the pump.



PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.