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Pirate Tutorial Information

CLPMS Pirate Tutorial Release Form


Pirate Tutorial is a service provided by CLPMS for students to stay after school to study, practice instruments, or make up missing work/assessments. It is held Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 2:40-4:00pm in the Media Center, and is supervised by a CLP staff member. We will begin on September 6th and end on May 9th. There may be days throughout the year that PT is cancelled. Please make sure your student listens to announcements and communicates with you as needed.


This service is unique to CLPMS, and we provide it because we know transportation to and from Laporte is complicated with how far our families live. We pay staff to run PT out of school funds. If you plan to have your child attend often, please consider donating up to $100 to assist offset this cost. This can be done with a check or in School Pay.


Students who attend PT are expected to comply with directives, follow school rules, report directly to PT after school, and leave when indicated on the Release Form. Any student who reports after 2:45pm and/or who does not follow the rules will lose the privilege to attend PT. Student attendance is on the honor system between the parent and child. Parents wanting to check attendance will need to email Mrs. Lynn Campion at lcampion@psdschools.org to inquire.


Students are not allowed to leave PT at any other time except the time you indicate on the Release Form below. For early check out you will need to call the Media Center at 488-7409. Due to safety concerns your child will not be released if you call or text their cell phone.


Please note that there will be days PT is held in a classroom due to meetings being held in the library. If you do not reach someone at 488-7409, call 488-7437.  


Please select a release time option, sign the form, and return the form to the Main Office. Release statements are kept for the school year. If circumstances change, please submit a new Release Form (found on the CLPMS web site). Additional Release Forms are available in the Front Office and at Pirate Tutorial.


Pirate Tutorial Rules



The purpose of Pirate Tutorial is to promote student learning and success by providing a productive time and place for students to work after school.


  • Pirate Tutorial is for any student who would like to stay after school to complete work.
  • Pirate Tutorial Release forms can be obtained from the Front Office and on the CLPMS Web Site.
  • Daily attendance will be tracked. Students utilizing Pirate Tutorial are required to sign in by 2:40pm.
  • Once signed in, students must remain in Pirate Tutorial until a parent calls the Media Center or has been given permission to walk home. 
  • Students are expected to follow specific rules set for Pirate Tutorial.
  • CLPMS rules from the Parent/Student handbook will be in effect during Pirate Tutorial.
  • CLPMS will dismiss any student for any length of time for failure to comply with these rules.
  • Students not picked up by 4pm may lose the privilege to attend Pirate Tutorial.


Turn in a release form to the Front Office.



Use the Pirate Tutorial Release Form Link to print and send in

or stop by the Front Office

 Release time by 4:00 PM. Student may leave earlier if parents release them. Please call 970-488-7409.


My child, ________________________, will attend Pirate Tutorial until 4:00.

                        (please print)


  • Please indicate how your child is getting home:


___ I will pick up my child.


___ My child will walk home. (My child may walk home prior to 4:00 if work is completed; yes___no___)



___________________________                              ______________________________________

Print Parent’s Name                                                   Parent’s Signature/Date


Parent’s Contact Numbers: _______________________________________________________


My child may leave with the following adults: ________________________________________

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.