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STUDENTS – This is YOUR school! CLP Middle School will continue to be a safe school with your input. If you see inappropriate behaviors, report them to your teacher, parent, counselor, or administrator. By breaking the code of silence, you help keep CLP Middle School a safe school. Anonymous reporting is always available at – a direct link is on the CLP website.
As a staff, we implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) strategies. PBIS schools emphasize a school-wide system of supports that include strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate behavior.
Students will earn recognition throughout the school year for making positive choices and following the Three RRRs: Respect Ourselves, Respect Others, and Respect our Environment.
CLPMS students earn Pirate Loot for demonstrating Respect at School. We have a school store,
called The Crow’s Nest, where students can spend this loot, or save it up for something big!
All students are required to sign the STUDENT RIGHTS & CODE OF CONDUCT CERTIFICATION, confirming that they can access the Student Rights & Code of Conduct booklet online, that they have or will review the booklet, and that they are responsible for compliance with the District policies and regulations in the booklet. If they cannot access the Code of Conduct online, they will receive a paper copy from the school.
As a school, we have in place a referral system to enable all staff to work with student behaviors and decisions. Our goal is to address concerns at the lowest possible level before issues or behaviors escalate. CLP Middle School believes that mediation, problem solving, restitution, and restoration are the best ways to resolve problems.
Minor behaviors/Staff Referrals are classroom-managed and will be addressed and solved through staff working directly with students. Minor behaviors/Referrals may turn into Major Referrals if the problem persists or if students choose not to work through the issue positively.
Minor Referrals may result in lunch or after-school detentions, or other consequences/restitution plans as determined by individual teachers.
Major behaviors/Office Referrals require administrative response. These behaviors include major disruptions that are disrespectful, defiant, willfully disobedient, and/or harmful to self or others, jeopardizing student safety and an environment of mutual respect. When behaviors occur that jeopardize safety or the environment of mutual respect, a student may earn in- school or out-of-school suspension. In the case of out-of-school suspension, a parent conference is required before the student is re-admitted.
Office Referrals result in administrative consequences and may include: detention, restitution plans, parent meetings, in-school-suspension, out-of-school suspension, referral to law enforcement, or expulsion.
*Examples of actions that result in immediate administrative action (but not limited to): inappropriate sexual material, drugs, alcohol, vape devices, weapons, graffiti, messes in the bathroom, de-pantsing, making derogatory comments about race, ethnicity, N-word, sexual orientation, gender, religion, making threats, saying, “I’m going to kill you or go kill yourself” and talking about violence or making fun of self-harm/suicide.
*Behavior choices that result in disciplinary referrals may cause students to lose the privilege to attend school activity nights, assemblies, parties, field trips, athletic events, etc. If a student is suspended, in-school or out, they are not permitted to participate in athletics that day(s). Students should keep this in mind as they make behavior choices.
CLPMS utilizes the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. All students commit to the following:
1. We will not bully or be mean to others.
2. We will try to help students who are being bullied.
3. We will try to include students who are left out.
4. We will tell an adult at home and school when we see mean behavior.
Bullying and Harassment are not tolerated and will be addressed at CLPMS. “Bullying” means any written or oral expression, or physical or electronic act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to coerce, intimidate or cause any physical, mental or emotional harm to any student. CLPMS is committed to maintaining a learning environment for students that is free from harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation or disability.
CLP Middle School is on a rotating block schedule. You will have eight regular classes, which will usually meet two or three times per week.
School day hours: 7:40AM-2:30PM
Monday - Friday, rotating Green and White days.
Advisory every White day with Olweus during Advisory every third day.
ELO every Green day.
To set up bus transportation or for questions, you should call (970) 490-3232 or go to the district transportation webpage at services/transportation
Breakfast and lunch are free for all students this year. A la carte items are available in the cafeteria for breakfast and lunch. To put money on your student’s account, visit
1. Once you arrive at school, you may not leave until the end of the school day unless signed out by a parent/guardian. This means students may not walk to the elementary school, Overland Foods, Vern’s, Nature Center, Poudre River, etc., unless part of a supervised class activity.
2. Lunch is also part of the school day. You must remain at school unless a parent/guardian has checked you out from the front office.
3. If you do leave campus without permission during any part of the school day, you are considered truant, a suspendable offense for which your parents will be contacted.
State law requires parents/guardians to ensure that every child under their care and supervision
receives adequate education and training and, if of compulsory attendance age, attends school. Continuity in the learning process and social adaptation is seriously disrupted by excessive absences. Accordingly, Poudre School District students are required to satisfy all academic requirements and exhibit good attendance as stated in this policy. The Poudre School District Student Attendance/Truancy Policy can be found in the 2023-2024 Student Rights & Code of Conduct.
Punctuality is a valuable life skill, and CLPMS students are expected to be on time. Any student who arrives late to school in the morning must report to the front office to receive a pass to class. Excused tardies may include: doctor or dental appointments, a late bus or other circumstances. Sleeping through an alarm because one was up late the night before, running errands, missing the bus, babysitting, talking in the halls, etc., are not excused tardies. To receive an excused tardy pass, a student must have a written note signed by a parent or guardian, a phone call indicating the tardy is for an excusable reason, or a pass from a teacher. Any student who is tardy more than 10 minutes to class is considered truant and will be marked as “extreme tardy” and will be sent to the office. Students earn lunch, after- school detention from 2:30 to 3:00 pm, or loss of passing period in the halls for accumulated tardies. Further unexcused tardiness may result in a teacher/ parent/ guardian/ administrator conference and a behavior contract.
Dock Time occurs the first ten minutes of every class period. During this time all students are docked in class. Students are not able to leave class for any reason except illness or parent pick-up during this time. The implementation of Dock Time is meant to decrease tardies and increase preparedness.
Students shall have two school days for each day of excused absence to make up missed work, generally not to exceed ten school days. This only applies to classes that are missed due to absences. If a student is present when assignments and assessments are given/presented, the student is responsible for being prepared on time. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work and to schedule times to make up quizzes and tests. This means that students need to take the initiative and time to communicate with their teachers. Email is always a good first step.
We ask that you make arrangements with specific teachers, especially if a long-term project has been assigned to be worked on during the absence. If the reason for an absence is a school-sponsored trip, ask your teachers their expectations. Students may have a choice of completing assignments prior to the prearranged absence or have one day for each day absent to make up the work, generally not to exceed ten school days.
For students who have been absent one or two days, first check your classes’ online sites (Google Classroom and StudentVue gradebook), then ask your teachers about the work you missed. For absences of three or more days, our preferred method for obtaining assignments is to first check the class Google Classroom site, and email teachers with specific questions. Teachers check email daily.
We expect our IB learners to be principled. Teachers will address academic dishonesty with students. Repeated offenses will be referred to administration.
See Athletics Page on CLPMS website for detailed information.
Athletic programs available for 7th and 8th graders include the following:
FALL: Football, Volleyball, Tennis, Cross Country
WINTER: Boys and Girls Basketball, Wrestling
SPRING: Softball, Golf, Track
6th graders may participate in all individual sports: cross country, tennis, wrestling, golf, and track. Also, 6th graders may participate in team sports through the City of Fort Collins Recreation Department and join their classmates for a city-run team.
To participate in PRE-SEASON, student athletes must:
1. Have a current and complete sports physical on file in the front office.
2. Have a completed Middle School Athletic Permission and Release, as well as Student Athlete Medical Information form submitted by parent online.
To participate in the FIRST DAY OF PRACTICE, student athletes must:
1. Have a current and complete sports physical on file in the front office.
2. Have paid their athletic fees online or to the front office.
3. Have a completed Middle School Athletic Permission and Release, as well as Student Athlete Medical Information form submitted by Parent online.
To participate in the FIRST COMPETITION, student athletes must:
1. Meet eligibility requirements for grades and behavior.
2. Attend school for at least half the school day on the day of the event.
Students are required to use cross walks during drop off and pick-up. Our parking lot and County Road 54G are busy and all should use caution when crossing. Please use the appropriate bike racks located north of the building and use a bike lock. Do not ride your bike or walk in front of busses. All bikes and skateboards must be walked while on school property. If you are driven to school, please be aware that the drop-off circle in front of the school is very busy. Please exercise caution and follow the signs in the parking lot. If you have a middle school and elementary student, use the elementary drop-off lane.
1. The front doors open at 7:15am. Students arriving prior to 7:15 must wait outside.
2. Breakfast starts at 7:20am in the cafeteria.
3.. All students report to the small gym when arriving before 7:33.
4. Classes begin each day at 7:40am.
5. Students not behaving properly in the morning may be required to wait in the office.
Cell phones, tablets and all other personal electronic devices represent distractions to the learning environment when not properly used. Keep your personal electronic devices secured, turned off and put away between 7:40 am and 2:30 pm, including in the hallways, lunch and during trips to the bathroom. Telephones are available in the front office for students to use and parents can leave messages for students with the front office. Students may also use their own phone once they check-in with the office for permission.
Consequences for phone use during school hours:
1st and 2nd Offense: Phone taken and held in office until 2:30 pm.
3rd Offense: Referral written, and parent contact
Additional Offenses: Referrals written; phone held; and parent conference/behavior plan required.
**Electronic devices brought to school create the risk of theft. CLPMS is not responsible for your personal property. Please leave valuable items at home.
District supplied laptops must be brought to school every day and it is students’ responsibility to protect and care for their device. Laptops must be charged every night so that they are ready for use during the school day.
Students shall not use PCDs (Personal Communication Devices) with camera and/or video recording capabilities at any time they are in a bathroom, locker room or other location where such use could violate another person’s reasonable expectation of privacy and shall keep PCDs with cameras and/or video recording capabilities out of sight always in these locations. We expect that you never take pictures of staff or students without their knowledge and consent.
Students must not share their passwords or login information with other students.
LOCKERS and Backpacks:
1.Students may choose the extent to which they use their locker and may decide to bring their bags to class so long as they follow all classroom rules and procedures as directed by the teacher. Bags must be kept out of the aisles in the classroom and may not interfere with movement through the classroom.
2.Students must get what they need from their lockers, then proceed directly to class. There is no congregating or hanging out at lockers. Students may not use their lockers at the end of the day- all materials must be gathered prior to the last class of the day.
3. Lockers are property of the school and may be checked/searched at any time.
4. Keep your locker clean and organized: free of stickers or writing. If your locker has stickers or writing on it when you move into it, clean it off or alert the office.
5. Keep the locker assigned to you.
6. You are responsible for ensuring that your locker locks. Keep paper out of the locking mechanism and report “kick open” lockers to the office immediately.
7. Any decorations must be school appropriate.
8. Do not share your locker combination with other students.
9. Do not store valuable items in your locker.
- Use appropriate language and walk on the right
- Keep hands and feet to self- no pulling, grabbing, touching or other physical contact in the hallway
- Keep halls clean
- 0-1 Voice level during classes
*Earbuds and phones must be put away during passing periods.
Make healthy choices and eat lunch. Pay for your a la carte food.
Check your table and floor before you leave. Walk.
Keep your own place in line; maintain personal boundaries.
Say “Please” and “Thank You.”
Use tongs and follow sanitary procedures. Use appropriate bins: trash, recycle, compost. Neatly stack trays and return utensils to bins.
Dress appropriately for outdoor recess during lunch period.
When the lunch bell rings, all students report to and must eat in the cafeteria.
If a student needs to meet with a teacher during lunch, they must have a pass that is shown to an adult in the cafeteria and sign the signout sheet.
Students may go outside after eating for the last 20 minutes of lunch. Students must stay in the fenced area in the softball fields and may not go behind the fence or in the dugouts.
Students may go to the library the last 15 minutes of lunch.
Students who are in the cafeteria must stay seated.
All food and drinks must stay in the cafeteria.
The Media Center is open from 7:15am to 2:30pm.
Food and drink (other than water) are not allowed in the Media Center.
STUDENT ATTIRE (DRESS CODE) Student Code of Conduct
School is the professional work environment for students. With this in mind, we adhere to the PSD dress code with the following clarifications:
The Board of Education recognizes that responsibility for the dress and appearance of students generally rests with individual students and their parents. All students should be able to dress comfortably and in a manner that expresses their individuality without fear of or actual unnecessary discipline or body shaming. To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of the dress code, school officials shall enforce the dress code consistently and in a manner that does not create disparities, reinforce stereotypes, or increase marginalization or oppression of any group. This dress code will not be more strictly enforced against students because of their race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, age or disability.
Definitions: “Apparel” means clothing; headwear; facial coverings; accessories such as scarves, sunglasses, or jewelry; shoes; and articles worn as clothing. “Grooming” means makeup, tattoos, and hair style. “Dress code” means the set of parameters established within this Policy that describes the standards for student attire and grooming.
General Principles: Districtwide standards on student apparel are intended to reduce discipline problems and maintain school order and safety. Students are encouraged to dress appropriately for all school activities and school-sponsored events. Reasonable cleanliness of apparel is expected as a matter of general health and welfare. Apparel should not interfere with or endanger the student while the student is participating in classroom or other school-sponsored activities. The decision as to the safety or unsuitability of the apparel is a matter for the instructor's or school administrator's judgment. Apparel must be worn in a way that covers breasts, nipples, genitals, midriff, and buttocks. Apparel covering these areas must be opaque. Items listed in the “Students Must Wear” section must meet this requirement. Subject to approval of the superintendent or designee. principals may establish additional specific standards for their own schools.
Students Must Wear*: 1. A shirt (with fabric in the front, back, and on the sides underneath the arms); AND 2. Pants or the equivalent (e.g., a skirt, sweatpants, leggings, a dress, or shorts); AND 3. Shoes (e.g., sandals, boots, or athletic shoes). *Course, athletic, or activity specific apparel or shoe requirements may be permitted as authorized by the principal or designee (e.g., athletic shoes for physical education).
Students Cannot Wear: 1. Apparel that causes or is likely to cause disruption of the educational process, which may include apparel that displays symbols of hate or speech that expresses animus or violence toward a particular group or individual on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, age or disability. 2. Apparel that depicts, implies, advertises, or advocates: a. Illegal or lewd conduct; b. Pornography, nudity, or sexually suggestive language or messages; c. Vulgar or obscene language or images. 3. Swimsuits (except as required in class or athletics). 4. Apparel that covers a student’s face or ears. Hats or hoods that do not obscure a student’s face or ears are permitted. Protective facial coverings or apparel/headgear worn for religious or medical purposes are also permitted. 5. Any manner of grooming or apparel, which by virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute is associated with or denotes membership in or affiliation with any gang. The prohibition on gang-related apparel shall be applied at the discretion of school principals after consultation with the superintendent or designee as the need arises at individual schools. (See District Policy JICF, Secret Societies/Gang Activity and Dress).
Dress Code Enforcement: A student who violates this dress code will be notified of the violation. Before re-entering class, the student will be provided with three options: (1) wear their own alternative clothing, if available at school; (2) wear school provided clothing; or (3) call a parent or guardian to bring alternative clothing. A parent conference may be held at the discretion of the building-level administrator. More severe disciplinary consequences, including suspension or expulsion, may result from repeated or serious violations.
CLPMS Staff will discuss with students attire that does not meet expectations. If students do not have appropriate clothing to change into, the school will provide clothing or they can call home for a change. If the student continues to violate the dress code, he or she will earn disciplinary consequences.
*Wearing apparel that interferes with or endangers the student while they are participating in classroom or other school-sponsored activities is prohibited. The decision as to the safety or unsuitability of the clothing is a matter for the instructor’s or administrator’s judgment.
*Per CLPMS specifications on hat and hood wearing, students may wear one or the other and not a hat or hood simultaneously.
1. Students are expected to leave the building by 2:35pm unless they are in a school- sanctioned activity or with a staff member.
2. Students waiting outside the building must behave in a quiet, orderly manner, keep the area free from litter, and refrain from any use of profanity. The office is closed at 3:30 – CLPMS staff cannot be responsible for students still here after that time.
3. Students attending athletic events must display sportsmanlike behavior at all times.
4. Students who remain on campus as spectators for athletic events must be picked up by 5pm unless they are supervised by a parent or guardian.
5. Students may NOT go to their locker after school, rather all items that a student needs from their locker must be picked up prior to the last class of the day.
Mrs. Cheryl Duke and Mrs. Christi Bramwell are your counselors at CLPMS. Students may visit with them to discuss issues or ask questions about class selection, academic problems, personal concerns, activities offered, or solving conflicts. They stress the importance of safety (physical, emotional, and psychological). One of their main goals is to teach middle school students how to reach out to others to ask for help. If you have not met Mrs. Duke or Mrs. Bramwell, stop by to say “Hello.” They truly have an open-door approach with students, parents, and staff.
Student visitors must be approved a week in advance by Mr. Ellis
Parent visitors are always welcome and encouraged! As a courtesy, please check in with the teacher you wish to visit the day before your visit. For safety, all guests must sign in at the office when they arrive and sign out when they leave the building.
Activity guests are welcome with a signed Visitor Pass from the front office. These must be approved two days prior to the activity night.
Deputy Scott Baggett is the School Resource Officer for Cache La Poudre Middle School. Deputy Baggett is available to students, staff, and parents who have concerns.
CLPMS has numerous opportunities to become involved. You are encouraged to try as many as you like. In addition to activities sponsored during or immediately after school, there are also social activities offered throughout the year. We encourage all students to find an area they enjoy and then to become active. Studies show that students who are active in their school have higher academic achievement. This is your school, and we want it to be a place where you are welcome, involved, and excited!
Glow sticks and other artificial lighting devices are not allowed at school events and will be taken and become the property of the school.