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respect, rigor, relevance, responsibility and relationships

Parent Handbook


CLPMS, an IB World School: Where inquiry and relationships empower independent  learners as they develop awareness, understanding, and confidence to become balanced  members of our community and world. 

This handbook has been prepared to enable parents/guardians to know and understand the procedures,  policies, and expectations of CLP Middle School. 

Our CLPMS staff is honored to serve the communities of LaPorte, the Mountain communities, Northern  Ft. Collins, and those who choice into our phenomenal school. Communication, coordination, and  collaboration based on openness and trust between the school and home is essential for students to obtain  the highest quality education. 

We strive daily to fulfill our MISSION: 

“CLP Middle School is a school where respect, rigor, relevance, responsibility, and relationships drive learning.” 

and VISION: 

CLPMS, an IB World School: Where inquiry and relationships empower independent learners as they  develop awareness, understanding, and confidence to become balanced members of our community and  world.  

Thank you for reading this handbook. Please feel free to contact the school if further information is  needed and/or when other questions arise. 

ONCE A PIRATE, ALWAYS A PIRATE!!! Cache La PoudreMSCache La PoudreMS 

Cache La Poudre Middle School 

3515 W. County Rd. 54G 

Fort Collins, Colorado 80535 

Main Office (970) 488-7400 

Fax (970) 488-7433 

Attendance (970) 488-7405 


Office Hours: 7:15 am to 3:15 pm 

School Hours: 7:50 am to 2:40 pm 

Parent/Guardian Handbook 

Principal - Ms. Alicia Bono 

Assistant Principal – Mr. Matt Ellis 

Counselors - Ms. Cheryl Duke (7th and 8th Grades)  & Ms. Christi Bramwell (6th Grade) 

Academic Dean - Ms. Katy Sayers

Table of Contents 

CLP Middle School Pirate RRR’s 

 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports  Olweus Bullying Prevention Program 

CLP International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Adolescents, Middle School, and our Commitment 

General Information 

Daily Schedule 

Contacting Staff and Teachers 

Emergency Drills and Dismissal 


Athletic Seasons  

Registration and Physicals  




Tardy Policy 

Make-up Work 

Pre-Arranged Absences 

Academic Information 

Homework/Blackboard/Pirate Tutorial 



Behavior Policies and Procedures 

Standards for CLPMS Middle School Students Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports 

Safe to Tell 

Administrative Procedures 

Personal Appearance 

Cell Phones/Electronic Devices 

Parent Engagement 

School Accountability Committee 

Friends of CLP 

CLPMS Volunteers 

Cache La PoudreMSCache La PoudreMS


Cache La PoudreMS

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) 

As a staff, we implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) strategies. PBIS schools  emphasize a school-wide system of supports that include strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting  appropriate behavior. Students will earn recognition throughout the school year for making positive choices and  following the Three RRRs: Respect Ourselves, Respect Others, and Respect our Environment. CLPMS students  earn Pirate Loot for demonstrating RRRespect at School. We have a school store, called The Crow’s Nest,  where students can spend this loot, or save it up for something big! 

CLPMS utilizes the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program. All students commit to the following:  1. We will not bully or be mean to others.  

2. We will try to help students who are being bullied.  

3. We will try to include students who are left out.  

4. We will tell an adult at home and school when we see mean behavior. 

Bullying and Harassment are not tolerated and will be addressed at CLPMS. “Bullying” means any written or  oral expression, or physical or electronic act or gesture, or a pattern thereof, that is intended to coerce,  intimidate or cause any physical, mental or emotional harm to any student. CLPMS is committed to maintaining  a learning environment for students that is free from harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion,  national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation or disability.


Cache La Poudre Middle School is an International Baccalaureate Middle Years school. Students here  experience a rigorous and holistic education where they learn the Colorado standards through inquiry.Cache La PoudreMS



Adolescence is a time of tremendous change and adolescents have very unique needs. We here at CLPMS  understand and embrace the uniqueness of the Middle School Student. We are committed to providing a safe  and rigorous environment where they can explore, grow, and thrive. To meet the needs of middle level learners,  middle schools adhere to developmentally responsive professional practices such as: ELO’s (Extended Learning  Opportunities) that focus on exploratory opportunities as well as social/emotional needs, Formative  assessments, Cooperative learning, and Varied learning opportunities that are Conceptual, Hands on, Relevant,  Meta-cognitive, Flexibly grouped, and Interdisciplinary. While adolescents begin to pull away from parents, it  is essential that parents stay involved in their lives. Education is a partnership. The more you are involved, and  the more we collaborate in our efforts, the more we can ensure a successful educational experience and  transition to high school. 

Characteristics of Young Adolescents 

Primarily taken from the Association for Middle Level Education. (2010). This We Believe: Keys to Education  Young Adolescents. Westerville, OH. 


• Rapid and irregular physical growth that can lead to uncoordinated movements 

• Tremendous variability in maturity across gender and age 

• Experience intense hormonal shifts with physical maturation 

• Require regular physical activity to release energy and maintain fitness 

• Develop sexual awareness 

• Are very aware of their physical appearance and changing physical features 


• Begin to be able to analyze and think abstractly 

• Are very curious and question the world around them 

• Prefer active, relevant, and engaging learning 

• Crave honest and objective information 

• Capable of thinking about how they learn 

• Developing the capacity to understand higher levels of humor 


• Developing empathy, perspective and a community awareness 

• Desire social change 

• Become interested in exploring religious ideas 

• Developing their own moral framework apart from adults 

• Strongly rely on adult role models 

• Recognize hypocrisy in others 


• Are occupied with themselves  

• Struggle for independence from adults  

• Self-esteem can fluctuate in certain domains, are very self-conscious 

• Believe experiences are unique to themselves 

• Desire recognition 

• Susceptible to advertising


• Strongly desire peer acceptance and approval 

• Can tend to overreact emotionally 

• Are susceptible to fads as environmental influences overtake parental influences 

• Can make impulsive decisions and struggle with good decision-making skills 

• Decreased communication with parents, yet still crave interactions and conversations with  adults 

• Mood swings can be extreme and last for long periods of time 

How you can help your student be successful 

• Encourage and support excellent attendance. Help them establish an evening and morning routine such  as packing backpacks and laying out clothes before bed. Being on time and having strong attendance are  leading factors in school success. 

• Encourage and support academic excellence. Set aside time and a quiet place for your student to study.  Help make sure they are prepared with appropriate school supplies, stay organized and on top of their  assignments and assessments. 

• Be actively involved in your child’s work, progress and growth, encourage a strong work ethic and that  he or she must work to his or her highest potential.  

• Make sure your child gets a minimum of 8-9 hours of sleep every night. Their brains and bodies are  constantly growing and need rest to be healthy and alert.  

• Attend Back to School Night and Student led Conferences.  

• Support the District Code of Conduct and CLPMS building rules in our Student Expectations. • Communicate with us. Ask questions and share concerns so we can work together as a team. Everyone  has your child’s best interests and success in mind. If you would like to talk to a teacher, please call or e mail the teacher or counselor. Please understand that calls/emails cannot be returned until the teacher  has a planning period or is done teaching for the day. 

• Support our electronics policy. Please do not call or text your child any time other than before or after  school. 

• Visit the school. Please report to the main office to get a name tag before proceeding to any other part of  the building.  

• Encourage responsible use of locks and lockers. Many times students lose items such as electronics,  clothes, books, or P.E. clothes, but immediately feel someone has “stolen” them. These items are  usually found in the lost and found, in the main office, or in the P.E. locker room. 


Daily Schedule 

The school day at CLPMS begins at 7:50am am and dismisses at 2:40pm. The building is open to students at  7:15am for them to enter the gymnasium. The cafeteria opens for breakfast at 7:20am. At 7:43 a bell dismisses  them to go to lockers. All students are required to leave campus by 2:55pm in the afternoon, unless they are  involved in a school activity, attending Pirate Tutorial, or meeting with a teacher or administrator. Office hours  are 7:15am-3:15 pm. 

Whom to Contact When You Have Questions or 

Need Assistance with Concerns Regarding — 

1. Students Teacher, Counselor, Administrator 

2. Staff member Staff member, Administrator  

3. Building administrator Administrator, Asst. Supt. of Secondary Schools 

4. Building policies and procedures Administrator, Member of School Accountability  Committee 

5. Coaches or athletic policies and procedures Coach, Asst. Principal/Athletic Director  6. District policies and procedures Principal, Asst. Supt. of Secondary Schools 7. Registration, Withdrawal, Moving, Records Counselor 

8. Transportation PSD Transportation Department 9. Breakfast/Lunches PSD Child Nutrition Department 


Our school counselors provide many services for students and parents. These services include academic  guidance, personal and social counseling, student assessment, career guidance, and referrals to outside  resources. If you have questions or concerns about academic planning, parent conferences, student rules, peer  problems, student schedules, community resources or need other general information regarding school  programs, activities or policies, the Counseling Office is offered to you as a resource. Parents can contact your  student’s counselor directly. 

6th Grade Counselor-Ms. Christi Bramwell-488-7421 

7th and 8th Grade Counselor-Ms. Cheryl Duke-488-7404 

School Resource Officer 

We are pleased to have a partnership with the Larimer County Police Department and the presence of a School  Resource Officer in our school. The purpose of the partnership is three-fold:  

1. Provide a safe learning environment  

2. Improve school and law enforcement officer collaboration 

3. Improve perceptions and relations between students, parents, staff and law enforcement officials Our school resource officer is Deputy Scott Baggett at 488-7412. 

Emergency Drills and Dismissal 

Fire drills and lock down drills are practiced regularly at school. Tornado and evacuation procedures are  verbally explained by staff, and we have practiced them. Students will be shown where to go and instructed  regarding what to do in case of any emergency. In the event of a dismissal, parents will be notified of the pick up procedures and location. 


Athletic programs available for 7th and 8th graders include the following: 

FALL: Football, Volleyball, Tennis, Cross Country 

WINTER: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling 

SPRING: Softball, Golf, Track & Field

6th graders district-wide may participate in all individual sports, including, Tennis, Cross Country, Wrestling,  Track & Field, and Golf.  

6th Graders participate in all other sports through the City of Fort Collins. As long as there are enough athletes  registered, the City forms middle school teams that practice at their home schools. 

Teams will be constructed in a Varsity/JV/C model, not by grade level, providing appropriate instruction and competition.  

To participate in school sports, student athletes must meet all of the following requirements: 1. Have a current physical form on file. 

2. Complete all district registration requirements that can be found on our athletic website. 3. Meet eligibility requirements for grades and behavior. 

4. Have paid athletic fees through SchoolPay website or in person in front office. 

5. Be in attendance at school for at least half the day on the day of a competition. 

Required Physical Examinations 

If a student plans to participate in any PSD interscholastic athletic activity, they are required to have a current  athletic physical. The physical paperwork must be filled out by a medical doctor and returned to school before  the first day of practice or pre-season.  

Athletic Eligibility Policy 

The goal of the CLP Middle School eligibility policy is to support students in academic success and  extracurricular participation. All coaches receive an eligibility report weekly to determine eligibility. 

Students will be declared ineligible if they earn lower than a “2” in one or more classes, unless the  student has an Eligibility Confirmation signed by the teacher of the class he or she was failing. 

Students may be declared ineligible if they earn a major office referral resulting in In School Suspension or Out of School Suspension. 

Students will be declared ineligible if they have not turned in all team paperwork 

and fees by the first practice day. 

All students declared ineligible may be required to attend an after-school study hall to help correct the problem. Students will also be required to attend practice after study hall and are  expected to attend the home athletic event in which they are ineligible to play. Ineligible students will  not be dismissed early to attend away games.  

Eligibility reports will be run on Monday. This report will determine the following Wednesday through  Tuesday eligibility list. 

On the third ineligibility, the student will run the risk of forfeiting their place on the team. Individual coaches may communicate more stringent eligibility requirements. 


Students are required by State Law to attend school every day unless excused. Regular school attendance not  only helps build good work and study habits, but also greatly benefits the student in relation to the learning 

process. A student can never make up a day missed even though she or he may go over the assignments that  were presented. The discussions and experiences that take place in the classroom are often more valuable than  the written material.  

If possible, please avoid scheduling family vacations during the school year, as your student will be missing  valuable instructional time that, once lost, cannot be regained.  


When a student is absent from school for illness or for other reasons, a parent or guardian should call the  attendance line (488-7405) by 8:00am the morning of the absence. If we do not receive a call by 9:30 am, the  school will be calling the parent/guardian to check on the reason for the absence. In addition, a written note  excusing the absence may be requested.  

Tardy Policy 

Punctuality is a valuable life skill, and CLPMS students are expected to be on time. Any student who is late  arriving to school in the morning must report to the front/attendance office to sign in. Excused tardies may  include: doctor or dental appointments, a late bus or other circumstances. Sleeping through an alarm because one was up late the night before, running errands, missing the bus, babysitting, talking in the halls, etc.,  are not excused. To receive an excused tardy pass, a student must have a written note signed by a parent or guardian, a phone call indicating the tardy is for an excusable reason, or a pass from a teacher.  Detentions are issued for accumulated tardies.  

Make-up Work 

Students shall have two school days for each day of excused absence to make up missed work, generally not to  exceed ten school days. This only applies to classes that are missed due to absences. If a student is present when  assignments and assessments are given/presented, the student is responsible for being prepared on time. It is the  student’s responsibility to obtain make-up work and to schedule times to make up quizzes and tests. This means  

that students need to take the initiative and time to communicate with their teachers. E-mail is always a good  first step. For absences of three or more days, our preferred method for obtaining assignments is to first check  the Blackboard/Google Classroom posting. For those without internet/e-mail access, contact the front office.  Please give 24 hours advanced notice to the office to allow adequate time to gather assignments. 


Homework/Google Classroom 

Homework is an important part of life at CLPMS Middle School. The brain needs to practice and process  learned concepts to make it permanent. Reaching 80% competency level requires practice of up to 24 times for  most students. Our teachers post homework and other resources to their Google Classroom sites so students can  access important information from home. 

Time needed for homework will vary with the individual subject, teacher and student ability. In addition, each  grade level will make an effort not to assign major projects, assignments, or tests on the same day. Our practice  adheres to the most recent research on homework which indicates that a practical amount of time for homework  is 10 minutes times the grade level of the student, so up to 60 minutes for sixth graders, 70 minutes for seventh  graders, and 80 minutes for eighth graders. Homework time, will, of course, vary from night to night and week  to week depending on the nature of the work being done and classes scheduled each day. Students who choose  to take accelerated coursework can expect additional homework for those courses. Pirate Tutorial begins on  September 6th and is open in the Media Center Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 2:50-4:00pm for students  who need a place to study.



Basic textbooks and supplementary textbooks are furnished to each student at the beginning of the school year  in each of the classes in which the student is enrolled. Each student is held responsible for all books checked  out to him/her at the beginning of the school year or during periods within the year. Every effort should be  made to see that the books are not lost or damaged. We ask that students cover each textbook they have. (They  are currently estimated to be valued at approximately $250 for core classes alone.) A student may be subject to  a book fine or penalty at the end of the year for a book which is returned showing damage beyond normal wear  and tear or for a book which is lost. For lost books, the student will be charged the price of current replacement  cost, and damaged books will be assessed at a fee. 


CLPMS bases grades on student mastery of the Colorado Academic Standards and the IBMYP Criterion. There  is also a category in the grade books marked Approaches to Learning (AtL) Skills which is reported out once  per quarter. Separating skills from academic grades demonstrates the connection of positive and consistent work  habits and behavior to success in student learning and life rather than distorting the academic grade.   

With the exception of high school credit bearing classes, grades are not reported out on a 100% scale or as a  letter grade. Students receive a 0-8 based on the IB assessment criteria that shows the level of proficiency per  criteria.  

It is our belief that all students are capable of succeeding at proficiency level or above, given the proper  motivation, support, and guidance from parents and teachers. This is best achieved through a partnership  between the school and the home. Students and parents/guardians can access teachers’ electronic grade books  at any time with the use of Synergy ParentVue and StudentVue. Teachers update their gradebooks at least once every two weeks to ensure accuracy of information. Regularly checking your student’s gradebook is the best  way to stay informed of academic progress.  


As a school, we have in place a referral system to enable all staff to work with student behaviors and decisions.  Our goal is to address concerns at the lowest possible level before issues or behaviors escalate. CLP Middle  School believes that mediation, problem solving, restitution, and restoration are the best ways to resolve  problems. 

Classroom behaviors/Referrals are classroom-managed and will be addressed and solved through staff working  directly with students. Classroom behaviors/Referrals may turn into Office Referrals if the problem persists or  if students choose not to work through the issue positively. 

Classroom Referrals may result in lunch or after-school detentions, or other consequences/ restitution plans as  determined by individual teachers. 

Office behaviors/Referrals require an administrative response. These behaviors include major disruptions that  are disrespectful, defiant, willfully disobedient, and/or harmful to self or others, jeopardizing student safety and  an environment of mutual respect. When behaviors occur that jeopardize safety or the environment of mutual  respect, a student may earn in-school or out-of-school suspension. In the case of out-of-school suspension, a  parent conference is required before the student is re-admitted.  

Office Referrals result in administrative consequences and may include: detention, restitution plans, parent  meetings, in-school-suspension, out-of-school suspension, referral to law enforcement, or expulsion.  

Behavior choices that result in disciplinary referrals may cause students to lose the privilege to attend school  dances, assemblies, parties, etc. Students should keep this in mind as they make behavior choices. 


Standards for CLPMS Middle School Students 

The District Code of Conduct for students and staff has been established to create the foundation for acceptable  behavior in Poudre School District. The CLPMS Student Expectations document is created to specify  expectations and policies specific to our school. https://clp.psdschools.org/resources/student-behavior expectations 

We invite parents to help close the circle in forming a standard for the entire CLPMS community, by making a  commitment to join us in enforcing and modeling these expectations. Experience has taught us that we are able  to do a much more effective job of teaching when students, staff, and parents share an understanding of  expectations for student behavior.  

Classroom Expectations 

Each teacher follows school-wide building procedures regarding expectations and discipline. In addition,  teachers develop classroom expectations unique to the culture of their classroom that meet their specific  expectations. Teachers explain their classroom expectations at the beginning of each school year and students  are expected to follow these expectations. 

Hallway Expectations 

Use appropriate language 

Walk on the right 

Keep hands and feet to self 

Keep halls clean 

0-1 Voice level during classes 

Earbuds and phones must be put away during passing periods. 

Cafeteria Expectations 

Make healthy choices and eat lunch. 

Pay for your food. 

Check your table and floor before you leave. 


Keep your own place in line; maintain  

personal boundaries. 

Say “Please” and “Thank You.” 

Use tongs and follow sanitary procedures. 

Use appropriate bins: trash, recycle, compost. 

Neatly stack trays and return utensils to bins. 

Bus Expectations 

Stay seated for the entire ride 

Keep your personal belongings with you 

Food and drink ONLY if allowed by the driver 

Keep your hands and feet to yourself 

0 – 1 Voice level 

Silence at railroad crossings 

Keep aisle clear of all items 

Follow the instructions of the driver at all times  

Keep the bus clean


After School Expectations 

1. Students are expected to leave campus by 2:55pm unless they are in a school-sanctioned activity. – CLPMS  staff cannot be responsible for students still here after that time. 

2. Students waiting outside the building must behave in a quiet, orderly manner, keep the area free from litter,  and refrain from any use of profanity.  

3. Students staying to watch athletic events must always display sportsmanlike behavior and be picked up by  5pm. 

Activity Night Expectations 

1. Cost is $5. 

2. Students must be picked up within 15 minutes after the end time or will not be allowed to attend the next   event. 

3. Students must stay in the designated area of the activity. 

4. Appropriate behavior is required at all times. Running, body-slamming, body-surfing etc. are grounds for   immediate dismissal.  

5. Guest passes must be turned into the front office at least two full days prior to the activity night. 

Safe to Tell 

If you see inappropriate or unsafe behaviors, report them to your teacher, parent, counselor, or administrator.  By breaking the code of silence, you help keep CLP Middle School a safe school. Anonymous reporting is  always available at safe2tell.org – a direct link is on the CLP website. 

Administrative Procedures 

When a serious incident is reported to an administrator, the administrator will follow this procedure:  1. Investigate the incident, documenting first-hand information from all parties involved. 2. Allow the student to tell their part, opinion, feelings, etc., about the incident in writing and/or verbally. 3. Explore the immediate consequences resulting from the behavior and the belief(s) behind it, and explore  other choices that could be made in the future. 

4. Determine a resolution and identify any and all necessary consequences. 

5. Notify parents/guardians by phone and/or in writing within a reasonable time. 

6. Notify the person who did the initial reporting or referral in person and/or in writing, when appropriate. 7. Follow up as deemed necessary. 

Personal Appearance 

School is the professional work environment for students. With this in mind, we adhere to the PSD dress code in the PSD Code of Conduct. https://www.psdschools.org/schools/school-registration/student-code-of-…;

CLPMS Staff will discuss with students attire that does not meet these expectations. If students do not have  clothing to change into, the school will provide clothing or they can call home for a change. If the student  continues to violate the dress code, he or she will earn disciplinary consequences.  

Cell Phones/Electronic Devices 

Cell phones, tablets and all other personal electronic devices represent distractions to the learning environment  when not properly used. Students may not use their phones or other personal electronic devices between 7:50am  and 2:40pm, including lunch. Telephones are available in the front office. Students may come to the office any  time to contact you in an emergency or during passing periods. They are never allowed to use them in the  hallway or in a way that violates another person’s privacy. Please help us by not calling or text messaging  your student during school hours. 



School Accountability Committee 

The School Accountability Committee (SAC) is an important advisory group at CLPMS. The School  Accountability Committee has the following purposes required by state statute: recommending to the principal  spending priorities; advising the improvement or performance plan; and quarterly discussions regarding  progress in implementing the accreditation plan. Parents/guardians are to be representative of the student  population. If you are interested in serving on this team, please email Principal Alicia Bono. 

Friends of CLP 

The Friends of CLP is the organization which seeks to promote the welfare of students by helping to establish  and maintain a good relationship between the staff and families of the school community. They provide  financial support for academic-related activities and/or equipment for students and staff through fund-raising  activities and social events. Money raised through fund-raising activities will be targeted to provide direct  support for school goals and related activities.  

CLPMS Volunteers  

Volunteering in a school is a rewarding experience and a privilege for both the school and the volunteer. It is  designed to promote and maintain a supportive relationship for students, teachers, and the school staff. If you  have some time that you are willing to share with us, please sign up on the district website. Contact our principal, Alicia Bono, if you are interested in volunteering. aliciab@psdschools.org 

As provided in district policy AC (Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity), Poudre School District does not  unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation,  marital status, veteran status, age or disability. 

“The Poudre School District is committed to the policy that no otherwise qualified person shall be denied access  to, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to unlawful discrimination  under, any District program or activity on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual  orientation, marital status, veteran status, age or disability. District compliance with this policy shall be the  responsibility of, and reports and complaints of discrimination based on these protected classifications should  be direct to: For District students and community members: Director of Student Services, 1630 South Stover  Street, Fort Collins, Colorado 80525, phone: 970-490-3033; For District employees: Executive Director of  Human Resources, 2407 LaPorte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521, phone: 970-490-3620.”

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.