Cell phones, tablets and all other personal electronic devices represent distractions to the learning environment when not properly used. Keep your personal electronic devices secured, turned off and put away between 7:40 am and 2:30 pm, including in the hallways, lunch and during trips to the bathroom. Telephones are available in the front office for students to use and parents can leave messages for students with the front office. Students may also use their own phone once they check-in with the office for permission.
Consequences for phone use during school hours:
- 1st and 2nd Offense: Phone taken and held in office until 2:30 pm.
- 3rd Offense: Referral written, and parent contact
- Additional Offenses: Referrals written; phone held; and parent conference/behavior plan required.
**Electronic devices brought to school create the risk of theft. CLPMS is not responsible for your personal property. Please leave valuable items at home.